About Us

Hey everyone! 

Thanks for coming to the site!

I'm Lance AKA Lancelot Ward

At 17 years old, after being told that I was "done growing taller" by a legitimate doctor.  I became obsessed with finding out the secret to encouraging a second growth spurt and increasing my height. After growing from 5ft 8" inches to 6ft 2" inches (173cm to 188cm), I decided to teach others how to do it for themselves. I have been helping others to GROW to their maximum potential since 2008. I have had various programs throughout that time, and because of my consistent research on the topic, the results have just got better and better for my clients. But this new program "The GTPS 2.0" is by far the best and most effective to date! Being taller has given thousands of my customers and me so many more opportunities and satisfaction in life.   I cannot wait to help you get to your maximum potential and truly become happy in your own skin.


50% Complete

Two Step

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